Saturday, September 12, 2009

From: Britt

----- "I pledge allegiance to the former student manager of the cCreamery on Ninth East, and to the restaurant for which he stood, one grill nation under William, unforgettable, with fry sauce and graham canyon for all."

We got bored one day cuz we work the 2-5pm shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays - snore - so we wrote a song!! Sing along - it's pretty fun. Oh and it plays to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree":
"Oh Creamery oh Creamery, how lovely is your fry sauce. Oh Creamery oh Creamery, a burger on the side toss. Oh every daaaaaay I come to you, to eat your fooooood and much and chew. I gain some weight and look bad-on-my-date, but I still looove yooouuu.
Oh Creamery oh Creamery, you have no flavors at all. Oh Creamery oh Creamery, it makes the customers bawl. *whisper* But if you know the secret word, we'll get you whatever-you-want, *louder* wait that's absurd,
Oh Creamery oh Creamery, you rock the world of ice cream. Oh Creamery oh Creamery the rock the world of theeeee grill. I scoop so muuuuch there's ice-cream-in-my-dream, But I love deeeeaaaarly myyyyy team. Oh Creamery oh Creamery, each worker is a sunbeam!"

I propose that we all learn this song and sing it at the campout next week!!!! -----

1 comment:

  1. Does your song have a verse about trying to serve people sundaes without any ice cream?
